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Here´s what Double Detoxers

have to say about the programme

"I´ve seen results &
I´m on my way to where I want to be"

Listen to Liz B´s story of why she joined Double Detox and how she got to the outcome of achieving self love and
self care by levelling up and committing
to this programme.


"I have this special feeling of bond & trust with you two" 

Listen to Vytautas´s story of how he healed his eczema on his hands and learnt how to put healthy boundaries in place through being part of the Double Detox Programme. 

"This programme
is so much more
than just detoxing " 

Listen to Irene´s story of how in the beginning she never thought Detoxing was for her but now she encourages everyone to do a detox because of the benefits. She also shares why she felt safe, how she met the intelligence of her own body, enjoyed being held accountable as a sovereign being trusting the process and it´s simplicity. 


"I have this special feeling of bond & trust with you two" 

Listen to Vytautas´s story of how he healed his eczema on his hands and learnt how to put healthy boundaries in place through being part of the Double Detox Programme. 

"Doing a fast has always been on my bucket list

Listen to Jon´s story of how you truly enjoyed ticking off fasting from his bucket list. He shares how the content I learnt in Detoxing the mind has transformed me going forward. He also talks about the ease of going without food for a short period, how energetic and alive he felt actually enjoying that state which was the biggest gift for his body. 


"I  went from being very exhausted and looping in anger pattern to joyfully dancing life

Maria shares her story of how she felt so much self love finally understanding where her exhaustion came from. She went from not knowing what to cook to preparing beautiful food for her and her family with her belly feeling way better. She also experienced a huge uplift in productivity as she found simple structure and discipline resulting in her being more focused, centered, less chaos and achieving more each day.

"For two years I have had a disturbing pain on the left side of my belly. Now it´s gone!

David shares how his eyes were opened to unhealthy food habits. For two years I have had a lot of pain in the body which he overcame but committing and completing the Double Detox Live program.


"I´m definitely sleeping better, had more concentration and was sharper at work

Federica shares her story of how her sleep massively improved during the detox and how she was finally able to get some rest for her body. She also talks about how she really benefitted from learning the tools focused for the mind and how these have become part of her daily practice. 

"As a seasoned detoxer this was a really great reminder of what the body and mind can do

Ella detoxes at least twice a year and in this video she shares her heartwarming story of how she found the detox was the perfect container for her to bring structure and self love & care back into her life just as she was transitioning through a really deep and emotional period in her life.


"My intention was to cleanse on all the levels and it happened! WOW" 

Judith shares her story of how she was deeply moved by going through the Double Detox Programme. She talks about how she was struggling with relationship decisions and how this detox provided her with the clarity of mind to drop into her heart and make the right decisions for her. She also shares how her biggest gift was going deep deep deep into the cells and clearing stuck energy from this lifetimes and others. A truly magical journey. 

"Double Detox helped me clear an infection that I had been battling for many months

Laura is a pretty healthy lady. Being a pretty fit individual and having competed in high level sport, being healthy and in touch with her body was nothing new to her. In this story Laura shares how she was able to go deeper into herself and after completing Double Detox finally felt like she was back in her body after such a long time. She also shares how she overcame an infection that had been causing her much anxiety and pain, which she is now happy to be free from. Not only that, she shares how her manifesting abilities have gone gang busters since she has done the programme.


"You´re gonna recognise results" 

Jessica is also a seasoned detoxer. She´s done many programmes that she mostly felt constricted with. In this video shares her story of how she feel back in love with her food after learning all the helpful tools and techniques that are shared in the Double Detox. Not only that, she shares how helpful she found the mind side in dealing with all the emotions that come up when Detoxing. 

"Double Detox was a life saver

Monique is a healthy individual, seasoned detoxer and has enjoyed Erika´s food for many years. In this video Monique shares how one detox protocol was an absolute life saver for her. She shares how she learnt to overcome her bloating and how her mindset was a big part in making this Detox simple. Monique also discusses some of the recipes she loves from the Eat Clean programme and how she is consistent using the tools she´s learnt.


"It showed me how much power I have" 

Mariana is a Doctor who attended one of Erika´s retreats and when she heard about Double Detox was super curious as to what a Detox might bring and so dived right in. Mariana speaks of her “intercontinental detox” as she traveled through many different countries while still detoxing and it all being easier than she thought. She also shares her biggest learning of how she took her power back and her deep awarenesses around food. 

"Double Detox was a reminder that I´m strong enough

In this video, Jasmin opens up about her belief in herself and her newfound strength and capability. She describes how the program helped her realize that she is capable of making positive changes in her life and being proactive about her well-being.

Through heartfelt words, Jasmin reflects on her mindset shift, emphasizing the importance of believing in oneself and staying open to growth. She recounts conversations with others who doubted their own abilities, but through her encouragement and unwavering belief in the power of mindset, she helped them see their potential.


"Double Detox was a life reset

In this video, Blake speak about his Double Detox journey with his wife Nikki. Having done Double Detox twice now, each time the experience becomes more profound. Blake speak of realizations of what he thought he was eating was in fact not healthy. The other favourite part was the mind side where he discovered how the body, mind and food are all interrelated. 

"Seeing what I was capable of gave me more confidence" 

In this video, Julia speaks of how Double Detox arrived at exactly the right time she was looking to do a detox. She discusses how the connection between the mind and food was so clear for her and shares how one of the coolest things about doing a fast was to see how she was capable of something she never thought was possible.