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Transforming fears through a transformational festival

Aug 03, 2023



This summer Erika and I decided to get off the island and travel around Portugal for a while. We attended Boom festival and have been staying in a campervan as we continue our journey throughout the north of the country. 

Now to be clear, Boom festival is absolutely not a festival I would usually attend. Why? Well…I´m not really a fan of Trans music. However the other element of Boom is their commitment to transformation, which is what puts them firmly in the class of transformational festivals, such as Burning Man etc. 

What does it mean to attend a transformationational festival? Transformational festivals are ones that leave you a changed person compared to who you arrived as. Expanded or transformed in some way. In my case with Boom this year, it was to explore the alternative stages, performances and speakers that could be found on the peripherals of the “oonz oonz oonz” stages. And what I found, to my delight, were a fabulous bunch of humans, facilitators, speakers and Boomers, open hearted and willing to explore their beings in many different ways. Qigong, Yoga, Transformative Dance, Sound Healings, Ecstatic Dance, Meditation and more.  

One of the most heart opening performances was a monologue speech by a young South African speaker called Ashanti. Listening to her transmission was truly beautiful. I got goosebumps hearing the youth of today challenge everyone present to rise up and get involved in creating this new earth. How we are no longer able to sit in the luxury of doubting ourselves or succumb to our fears. How we can no longer sit in the energy of abuse, whether that is to ourselves or towards the planet and each other. It ends now. Now is the time for unity and higher consciousness. Now is the time to get aligned with the principles of Natural Law, one of the main tenants being “For the highest benefit of all involved.”

This message, which is core to my work too and what I share in my own transmissions, was almost a relief to hear. My heart exploded with love and it made me so happy to know that these sorts of messages are being put into the field in places such as Boom festival. A truly wonderful affirmation that change is here and facing our fears is truly what will move us to a new level of consciousness and in turn create incredible outer manifestations. It´s the only way. 

The thing about fears is that they are always with you, until you let them go. And as I contemplated what fears I am required to work on post hearing Ashanti´s speech, I was invited to face some of my own shortly afterwards. 

Growing up in South Africa was indeed very interesting. Crime is something that affects every single person that lives there. I remember as a young adult driving home after a night out. I had to call our neighbourhood watch team to escort me to the gate to avoid being hijacked. That was and still is a reality. The fear that someone might jump out from behind of some bush and threaten my life was real. And this fear has been seated deeply in the cells of my body for a very long time, even though I have been living out of the country for nearly two decades. 

I was invited to feel this fear once again as we were parked up in our campervan one night in a car park along a lovely river. Just the very notion of sleeping in a campervan in a car park was absolutely ludacris to a South African. My mind began to be hooked with the fear of who might jump out of the bushes and hurt us. It was just our camper and about 50m down were four young men hanging out together as the sun set over the river. It seemed they might have been having a few beers and as we were settling in for the night I could feel this deep seated fear coming up from within. It was like I was expecting these men to come and hurt us and steal everything we had. I watched and witnessed as my body contracted, contemplating how best to move through this fear I was experiencing in the cells of my body. 

The main tools I used to calm my nervous system were my breath and asking for help. I took a few deep breaths, all the way down to the belly and out. Then, I made my request. Request from whom you might be wondering? Well, the Universe of course. I asked my team to help co-create an environment to feel safe in. I focused on the knowing that as a powerful being, I have nothing to fear and all is well, always! I took a few more breaths in and out and continued to send my energy towards this knowing. 

And then, out of nowhere, a bright yellow campervan pulled in next to us. A family of four who were going to be our neighbours for the night. Happy days! "Help" had arrived. We greeted and chatted to our new neighbours as they passed by on their way to jump into the river for an evening swim. Shortly after that, the young men left and my body totally relaxed. 

The most important thing throughout this whole process was that I witnessed the fear in my body and allowed it to be. Then I took responsibility and changed my focus drawing in the safety that I requested. It felt amazing to experience the situation change so quickly by applying simple tools. In addition to that, I could feel some of that deep seated fear dissolve as I tapped into the power of my own focus. Yeah baby!

Facing our fears, just as Ashanti said, is what must be done now. Even the deepest ones for this lifetime, and before. 

With that, I would like to invite you to consider joining Erika and I at a retreat we are hosting at the end of September in Ibiza called My Alpha & Omega Journey. This retreat will help you bust through your fears as well as learn how to maintain your body in a peak state with fabulous food techniques. We´ve also collaborated with professional free diver and breathwork specialist Roda Escalante who will teach us how to navigate the chaos by using breathwork techniques. All designed to keep you vibing high.

Check out the video above to find out more about the retreat and if you´d like to join just drop us an email to arrange an enrollment call. We´d love to see you there. 

Sending good vibes, 

Mish x

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