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The memory of water and how it holds information

Apr 27, 2023

Full video here

I met Judith Yague at a retreat I was supporting at last year. She´s one of those humans that when she walks into the room you can just see her light shine. Judith has studied many massage techniques over the years and now has developed her own more intuitive style. 

I decided to try out one of her sessions and it was really powerful. Judith saw things that I was seeing as we did deep clearings in the session and I felt really great afterwards in the knowing that she helped release some stuck energies making a real difference to my body. 

After going on a walk with her a month ago, we had such an amazing chat about our beliefs, our views on what is happening energetically right now and how water is part of these changes. We got so deep into the conversation and after a while I said to Judith, "You know what, we should record this with Erika because I know loads of folks could benefit from this".

And so that´s exactly what we did. Myself, Erika ad Judith are all obsessed with water and in this Live Chat we discuss the memory of water, how it holds information and how this information is transmitted, a process which has taken place for thousands of years. Judith speaks of her memories of past lives where she was in Egypt and having to pass the water codes into the land through singing and vibration and how she received an instant download of past lives in Lemuria when she ate ice in her trip to Antarctica. Erika also shares some beautiful wisdom of how water is the most powerful element of all 5 and the role water plays in revitalizing food.

You can find the full video here

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