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From Soil to Sol to Soul

May 18, 2023



You can enjoy the full chat here.  

There are times when you hear about an event and you think to yourself, “Wow! That´s gonna be epic!”. And then when you go to that event and it´s even better than EPIC that´s just the best thing ever! The Soil-Sol-Soul retreat where Erika was teaching her SOL Method to over 25 willing and able participants was one of those events. 

Before the retreat, Erika and I sat down with Matt, the founder of Tierra Iris Community to discuss their views on the importance of Soil and how Erika´s SOL Method was the perfect missing piece to make this retreat complete. It makes so much sense seeing as Erika teaches how to have Karma free food as well as how to sustain the abundance that comes from growing your own food. 

Matt has been running Tierra Iris Community for a few years now, of which Erika and I consider ourselves an extended part. As friends we have found many collaboration opportunities where I´ve held space for meditations and Erika has served her food and drinks. 

Since I first met Matt, barefoot and fully grounded, he was telling me about how passionate he was about planting trees and giving back to the soil. He spoke about syntropic farming and shared the principles, which made it so obvious that the soil is a huge part of each of our journeys. It has to be. 

Suffice to say that the retreat itself was a huge success where tons was learnt and over 600 trees were planted by the participants to help heal the land of Tierra Iris.

If you are ever on the island, make sure to swing by and check out what they are up to. You´ll be pleasantly surprised.  



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