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Using Reference Points & asking for help

Jul 06, 2023


Erika and I keep talking about how intense the energies are and so this week I´ve been inspired to share a tool that I use all the time. It´s called reference points. 

With the energy moving so fast in the field right now you might be finding it difficult to feel like you can lean on something. That something might be a previous belief system about yourself or about how you see the world that has essentially dissolved and you can no longer count on being something you can rely upon. 

The reason for the dissolution of these is because majority of the time these belief systems were given to us by our society, religion, school, family or friends and now, they are simply not relevant or true anymore. 

A good example of this might be how in the past we thought we could rely on the fact that if we put money into a pension, we could rely on that money growing and being paid back to us when we are at the age to draw upon it. We now know that the majority of the governments on the planet are not sovereign having squandered most of the cash and the likelihood of getting a good pension pay out is quite slim.  Apologies I´ve just burst a bubble of yours. 

So the question becomes how do I now create solid reference points that I can lean upon like a mountain climber would lean on a guide rope in a white out. In this video I explain how I do this and share a real life example of how using this tool paid off for me big time when I had to make a big investment in my personal growth. It also helped me make the decision from my heart not allowing fear and past trauma´s influence my next stage of evolution in my own growth. 

As always, I encourage you to try this yourself. Don´t just take my word for it. Use it and see what happens! 

Sending good vibes, 

Mish x


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