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The Difference between Consciously and Unconsciously Focusing

Mar 15, 2023
What do I choose to focus on?


This is the third time this week that I have been asked what my tips and tricks are for staying focused. I teach this to my coaching clients and I feel I can write a book about this because it's so important but I´ll do my best to be concise here. 

Why is focus important in the first place? Well quite simply what you focus on expands, thus creating your reality. This is a universal law and when you become aware of this you can start to actively shape your world. If you choose not to understand this universal law, you will continually be thrown around by life and have life happen to you. Not for you. 

For me there are two types of focus. 

1 - Unconscious focus
2 - Conscious focus

Unconscious focus is where you are running on autopilot and not really actively playing a part in what you are creating. You are essentially focusing on suggestions that have been given to you through programmes when you were little or through experiencing events and making a decision based on the outcome of those events. Sometimes those events are positive. Sometimes those events are negative and it´s the negative ones that are what keep you stuck and looping in old programmes. An example of this might be believing that you are not good enough. This is a programme and so if you keep believing this, you keep creating that. 

Conscious focus is when you are actively creating your world through intentions and the beginning of Conscious Focus is getting connected to your “Why”. Why do you want to focus on something, ultimately creating it? 

Why is your “Why” so important? Well, if your why is not strong enough, connected to your heart enough, connected to something that will get you out of bed each morning, then it doesn't really matter what tip, tool or trick you try and employ. It's just not going to work. Or it might for a short while but in the long run you´ll land up burnt out, demotivated or depressed feeling like what´s the point.

Energetically what is happening right now at this time is that the Global Consciousness is inviting us to move forward through life in a different way. We are being invited to use our hearts and deeply connect, no longer coming just from our minds. If I´m not heart lead and connected with a proposed task, then I´m finding it incredibly difficult to focus on it. 

I experienced this when I left my corporate world job in 2021. It got to the stage where I was actually unable to physically hear what people at work were saying. This is not because I´m going deaf! My hearing is perfectly fine. It's because my internal vibration had changed and I was no longer resonating with the corporate world. In truth I could have tried anything to keep me focused but it would never have kept me in that job serving that company.

Why? Because I was no longer connected to the mission of that company. It didn't matter to me even though I was being remunerated generously and winning awards for my work at the time. It just didn't matter and I found myself feeling there was no point to being there. So I left to follow my dream of helping people raise their vibration by becoming an energy coach and I have never looked back.

Steps to getting focused 

Step 1 is getting connected to why your focus is your focus and make sure that it´s heart centered and something that pulls you outta bed each morning. Then creating focuses and action points around that becomes simple. Good luck if you fail to do this step first. 

Step 2 is to set up a daily practice. Many mentors have taught this so I don´t feel like I need to name names but there ́s a simple tool of having a "Power Hour", which is essentially a daily committed practice. This is 1 hour of your day, not in consecutive time, that is aimed at Consciously Creating. Or Conscious focusing. This is a ritual telling the Universe, the field, the world (what ever you like to call it) that this is where you are going. It´s also directing your energy towards a set point away from distractions and disturbances such as stress or outdated belief systems like "I´m not good enough". 

In my daily Power Hour there are some fundamentals that I have and then I like to change it up depending on the season or time of the year. I´ve listed some fundamentals:

  1. Meditation and breathwork. This is non negotiable. I meditate along with doing some breathwork first thing in the morning as I find it to be helpful in stabilizing my energy and raising my vibration through focusing on gratitude.
    This also helps me ground my energy as sometimes it can feel like a hurricane out there but once I ground then I can move forward in a solid and consistent way. 
  2. Read my specific intentions that are aligned with my big “Why”. These have been intentionally created through a ritual at the beginning of the year, which connects me to my why and allows me to create achievable actions from this intentional focus. Each day reading these helps bring my why into focus. If something comes into my space and it´s not aligned with the Why, it doesn´t get priority. Simple. 
  3. Free writing - I use this process to clear my mind and audit what my self talk is like.
  4. Self Directed Compassion - Then I take a look at what I´ve written and do a quick process of self directed compassion to help clear any dense energy around my thoughts so I don´t stay stuck. This is a self healing practice and is essential in moving through life right now. 
  5. I call in help from designated support teams through my intention settings each day. 
  6. Daily movement of the body so that I avoid the energy flowing through my body getting stuck.
  7. Eat a clean diet as much as possible, including fasting and intermittent fasting. This helps massively with focus. 
  8. Drink at least 2L of intentional water daily. 
  9. Write down a physical list of things I need to get done each day and prioritise those in line with certain milestones I need to achieve. These are always derived from my Why. Everything else takes second or third place. 
  10. At the end of each day I cross off what I have achieved and re-write the list of focuses listing out the priorities for the following day. 
  11. I always look for the next best step and keep taking action. Even if it´s small. It makes a difference.  

Step 3 - do step 1 and 2. Simple.

There are a few other things I add but these are the basics that I find this helps. What do you use to focus?




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