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Going with the flow

Jun 20, 2023


If you are sensitive to the energies like I am then I´m sure you will have been feeling the shift in the field towards the back end of last week, this weekend and this week too!

If you haven´t been experiencing it in your body then you can take a look at the Schumann's Resonance chart that recently hit triple digit amplitude not once (first 120), but twice (on the 18th 190) this past month. And not only that…on Sunday the chart started to display what looks like DNA strands or Sacred Geometry. In the all the years I´ve been avidly following the chart, which is known as measuring the earth´s heartbeat, I have never seen this happen. Really quite extraordinary!



As mentioned in a previous newsletter there is so much light coming onto the planet and Schumanns confirms that there is some definite intensity coming through. I found myself this weekend taking naps and spending time in the sunshine this weekend. All helpful to move through these energies. 

Being fascinated with light, I found myself listening to Jacob Liberman´s book “Luminous Life” on audible, which is beyond fascinating. Liberman was originally an optometrist and then got interested in light and energy medicine and has expanded his field of influence quite considerably. 

One of the curious things Liberman mentioned in his book is the notion that if we follow what we are guided to focus upon each day, then our life seamlessly drops into flow and things come and happen easily for us. He spoke about the mechanics of the pupil in the eye and how he observed some patients' pupils would dilate when they were in a relaxed state and found it way easier to physically see. When they were trying too hard to focus on reading the chart, for example, the pupil would become smaller, letting in less light and in turn making it more difficult for the patient to read. 

His notion is that if we relax into life and follow the focus life puts in front of us, then things start to flow. He also proves how the eye can register events before they occur, tapping into an unseen life force that guides us, if we allow it to.

As I always share with my clients, don´t just believe everything you hear or read. Test things out to see if they are indeed true. Last Monday I decided to put this to the test when I had a bad start to the week. 

I woke up with no internet, which caused some stress when I knew I had a bunch of clearing sessions for clients that day and had no idea when it would be fixed! Erika and I have started doing some fit boxing classes, mainly to move more energy in the body and also to create a channel for strong emotions that have been surfacing, to be released. 

I had some strong emotions towards the internet being down so my morning fit box class was timely. Although when I got there I made some errors in the system and had to land up waiting ages to join the class, which frustrated me even more as I then wasted a ton of time. 

After arriving home post the delayed class, sweaty and satisfied with having released the frustration, I had to surrender to the fact that there would be no internet at home and so had to reschedule my whole day.

Then Liberman´s notion popped in my head and I decided to test out his theory of following the focus that caught my eye for the day. I then thought to myself, “I wonder what today's theme could be?

Five minutes later I received a call from my bank saying that I needed to go in and prove my identity as my documents had expired. I could not access my outstanding refund until this had been resolved. Seeing as though my whole day was now upside down I thought I may as well get this refund sorted and see where this thread would lead me! So I grabbed my Portuguese passport and headed to the bank. When I got there, I handed my passport to the teller who informed me that this was the exact passport that had expired. Dang! I had totally missed that! Luckily I had my ID card with me, which I provided and all was updated with no issues. 

On the way back from the bank I got a message from a friend of mine who has a house in Portugal and had been helping me with some admin. So I followed that thread and gave her a call. Chatting to her I got some very helpful updates and so decided to call her Portuguese contact who I had previously emailed and got no reply from. 

When I tried calling him he was in a meeting, but he landed up emailing me back responding to my original message. YES! Result!

Being on such a roll I thought why not continue on this thread so I called the Portuguese Passport office to book a renewal appointment. Thankfully I spoke with a kind lady who spoke english and advised that I did not have to book and could just head to the office when I was next in town. Easy like Sunday morning!

During that same day, the resale platform for Boom Festival in Portugal was opened, which I had been waiting months for as I had some spare tickets I had been wanting to sell. So I quickly uploaded those and got that ticked off the to do list too. 

At the end of the day I couldn't quite believe that following the thread of a call from the bank lead me to discovering that my Passport had expired and the rest of my day just fell into place after such a bad start. 

By surrendering and being open to the flow, following the focus that presented itself, I landed up resolving many things to do with Portugal that I needed to get done. All in one day! Wow!

With Summer Solctice taking place on Wednesday the 21st the energies are set to continue to be intense. Remember to be kind to yourself and follow the flow when you can. Who knows, it might just pay off for you like it did for me. 

Happy solstice and sending good vibes, 

Mish x


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