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Detoxing during eclipse season

May 04, 2023

Full video here

When I was growing up I was always so fascinated with the horoscopes in the trashy magazines that I would find lying around. I could not quite put together how these could in anyway be accurate but sometimes they really resonated and aligned with what was said. 

More and more as I´ve been led to study a few bits of astrology, I discovered that astrology is based on the real science of astronomy. I certainly take things with a grain of salt but as I start to go deeper, the energy reads start to hold more and more truth. 

When I first moved to the island of Ibiza, a common question I´d get asked when I met new people was, “What star sign are you?”. A far cry to when I lived in the UK or South Africa and the first question you get asked there is about what school or university you went to or which company do you work for. 

One of the most helpful things from astrology I took away was how life works in cycles. It´s obvious of course, but I find myself now more alert when the planet Mercury is in retrograde (which means it´s going in reverse direction of it´s usual orbit for a short period of time). Having worked for technology companies all my life I always used to chuckle to myself when technical things started glitching and Mercury was in retrograde. That´s something the Mercury loves to do when it changes orbit for a while, cause technical issues that cannot be explained. 

When Erika and I were planning the Double Detox calendar earlier this year, we made the decision to place our Double Detox Live programmes within the eclipse season. This was deliberate as the intention was to ride the cosmic energies, as opposed to to go against them. Of course you can do your own detox at any time during the year, but in eclipse season there´s always a special little nudge that occurs. 

With that, I decided to ask Aurora, who is a Spiritual Astrologist and focuses on historical and medical themes of astrology, to give her take on detoxing during the eclipse seasons taking place in 2023. This year is said by many to be the year of letting go.

What do I mean by letting go? Well, of everything that does not serve you. This includes the untrue thoughts in one´s mind like, “I´m not good enough”. That thought doesn´t serve. Or like putting toxins in your body for an extended period of time. It doesn´t serve. And if you´re not raising your vibration those dense energies held in your physical, emotional and etheric bodies are going to be forced out of you. And that can be quite a painful process. 

It´s actually one of the reasons we created Double Detox. To help folks go through a very simple and chilled out Detox that will help raise the vibration of both your body and mind. In this chat with Aurora, she shares what to expect for each eclipse as well as what the read of the energies say for the rest of the year. I was also pleasantly surprised with some of the threads that Erika shares from the food side that aligned beautifully with what was being seen with the astrology. 

I hope you enjoy the video, which can be found here

Enjoy the May 5th eclipse and hope you´re keeping your vibe high!


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