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The inspiration behind Double Detox

Mar 06, 2023

It´s always a curious thing when an idea is discussed and then takes off better than expected. That´s kind of what happened with our Double Detox programme. 

Since Erika and I got together as a couple, I personally had always been wondering what would be our first co-creation together. It was a night in November 2022. Erika had received quite a few messages from a few previous clients asking when she was doing her next Detox Diet.

This was something that Erika did upon demand when clients were requesting it. In the past, Erika would gather about 8-12 people and cook two meals a day for them of medicinally food specifically focused at detoxing the body. 

As the requests came in I asked Erika when she was going to start enabling her followers to do it for themselves. The reason this question came about is because I feel that more and more we as a civilisation are slipping into a world of convenience and having everything being done for us. This leaves us stale, creatively blocked and always relying on other people. 

Eirka agreed that now was the right time to start teaching people all the cool tips and tricks she has learnt through her experience of cooking over 100 thousand meals in her career. 

Erika then asked why don´t we do a combined programme where I added some content of the mind helping people really stay the course. This is the thing with detox programmes. Often people have the best intentions of completing it by themselves but then quickly fall off the path because there is no accountability or at the very least tools to help folks stay committed to completing the programme and receiving all the benefits. 

I hadn´t even considered it and so we sat brain storming for an hour or so and just like that, Double Detox was born. When we felt into the mission of Double Detox we both did a litmus check to see if it aligned with our own personal missions and indeed it did. It also felt right and easy so it became a no brainer for us to go ahead. 

Having completed our first Double Detox Live Programme in January 2023 I was astounded by the results the people getting. Not that I didn´t expect amazing results, but when it happens I just get so excited. People we losing additional weight that they no longer needed. Some were reducing their high blood pressure they had had for many years. Others changed the way they communicated as they became aware of the hurt they were inflicting on others. There were those that started to feel more energised and became more productive again. Some let go of deep programmes they had instilled in them for many years. Other started to enjoy getting sleep again. 

That ignited the fire in us both to continue to help more folks in detoxing their body and their minds and as we continue down the path we plan to add more and more to get even greater benefits. 

If you haven´t yet done one of our Double Detox Programmes I highly recommend getting involved. 

Have a beautiful day ahead and sending good vibes, 


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