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How to use your body to test what´s right for you?

Jul 13, 2023

The body does not lie! In Italian it is written like this: Il corpo non Mente! The word Mente in Italian means mind but also to lie. And it is precisely our mind that is suggestible, manipulable and malleable from external sources. The body instead expresses itself through electric currents that can manifest themselves as coherent or inconsistent, open closed, on off, true or false. 

This tool is a tried and tested methodology, created by Dr.David Hawkins, who founded Kinesiology and goes deep into the workings in his book "Power vs Force". Hawkins tested many thousands of people by using their body to get true and accurate answers.

In this short video filmed during the 2023 edition of Soul Consciousness Retreat – Avatara, I shared this technique with the guests on how to receive answers from our personal compass: the body. It's a fun and useful game to find clarity in the daily routine. Through the tool we are all gifted with the undeniable intelligence of our wonderful body. 

Go and research. Try if for yourself and see if it works for you. Have fun wonderful truth seekers.

With light and love




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