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How a blindfolded artist became a powerful reference point for me

Jul 20, 2023


In my previous blog post I shared a video of how you can use reference points to your advantage by asking the Universe for help. I like to call this practical consciousness. It´s all good and well learning about energy and how the Universe works but what good is it if you don´t apply it to your life in some way? Have you tried the tool yourself and seen how it works?

Today I wanted to expand a little bit on this as there´s more to reference points. Specific to this is how to ensure when creating new reference points for yourself, you are using a wide range of sources to validate your theory. 

Why is that important?

Let´s rewind a bit. A fundamental truth (for me at least) is that life is about the journey AND the destination. So many folks in the spiritual world just talk about how the journey IS the destination but for me that falls flat on it´s face in a puddle of hopelessness leaving me unmotivated to do anything in life. What´s the point of it all if we´re just going and not really going anywhere? Feel into it, it doesn´t make sense! 

The point is to evolve AND grow through experience here during your lifetime on earth. That means it includes BOTH the journey and the destination. Life is the journey, the destination is to expand your being and consciousness more than your previous lifetime to use in your next evolution, wherever that might be.

Back to reference points. As mentioned previously we´re finding that so many things are dissolving. Old programmes, old identities, old ways of being, perhaps leaving us feeling unstable, alone and uncertain of what´s next. We can either do nothing and get lost in those feelings or we can create new reference points. New anchor points, based in truth, that we can rely upon and lean upon as we grow and evolve. 

A reference point becomes a reference point once you´ve established it´s solid and based in truth. In order to do this I like to use the power of 3. 3 makes a trend and gives direction to something. If I don´t have a validation of at least 3 signs, then it´s difficult for me to say that it´s true. Now there are many things that come into play here. One of them being confirmation bias.

Confirmation bias is defined as follows, Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favour, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values.”  In the spiritual world it´s called the observer effect confirming that whatever we believe creates our reality. That´s also a fundamental truth of course but you want to make sure that you´re not falling prey to limiting beliefs. 

So to avoid falling into the trap of tunnel vision, keeping in mind we are here to expand and evolve, I find that using a wide range of sources to validate my reference points is always best. What does this mean?

By using the tool of asking the Universe for help, I am opening myself up to receiving information from unlikely sources, not just the typical sources. For example in the last blog I spoke about how I was at an impasse as to whether to pay for a coaching course or not. Now I did the usual things like reading the blog of the company, watching video testimonials, speaking to real humans who had previously attended the course to get their feedback. And then I included into my decision making process asking the Universe for 3 signs to help me validate my decision. I got 3 signs quite quickly from unlikely sources, and this helped in making the decision, which in the end turned out to be the right one. 

I use art and festivals as unlikely sources of reference points too helping me to expand my awareness. Right now we are at Boom festival in Portugal. It´s helpful to make a change from my usual environment and allow new things into my field so I don´t stay static in my thinking. Going to a festival like Boom drops me into a world of creativity, music, art and performance. It exposes my body and mind to new things and experiences I would not have otherwise have been exposed to. 

I´ve included a video in this blog to illustrate my point. This was a performance by an artist called Marco Caparros that I saw last year. Marco intuits images coming from the field and accurately draws these images on a massive canvas all whilst blindfolded. By watching this, I am able to expand my awareness around what is possible. One of the coolest things about enjoying art and performances. 

So in closing I want to invite you to do something different. Ask for help and use unlikely resources as points of validation until you reach the magic number of 3. I guarantee you´ll find that there is more serendipity in life than you thought there was. 

Sending good vibes, 

Mish x

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