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A story from a Double-Double Detoxer

May 25, 2023
Guest Blog - James H

Erika and I met James through a community we were a part of here on the island. We were looking for a dentist that was what we would call conscious. We wanted some one who was gentle in their manner, listened to our needs, and did not use harmful products like fluoride. A friend referred us and we´ve never looked back. 

Honestly I never thought that James would have said yes to joining the Double Detox but in January when I found myself with my mouth wide open in his dental chair a week before we were due to kick off, he was telling me how he it would be the perfect timing for him. 

In the first detox James managed to travel and socialise on the ski slopes whilst still detoxing and he got amazing results. When the invitation for April´s cleanse came about James was one of the first to sign up. 

We asked James to share a little bit more about his journey as he has continued to see amazing results. 



Erika sent me a message on January 4th this year to let me know she and Michelle were starting a ´double detox´ in a week, asking if I would be interested in joining?

As it happens, I usually take 6 to 8 weeks off booze every year for the past eight years. I like to give my body a break and to prove that I can do it. Usually, I felt great doing it each year, but I noticed that it didn’t fundamentally change me physically or mentally as I have weighed in at 95 kilos more or less for the last 35 years.

Also, I was intrigued as I have never been on any diet but had always had an interest in detoxing as a way to improve health, however I had never come across a system that would facilitate this for me before. The stars were aligned with Double Detox even though I had no idea what I was getting into.

I found the "lets take one week at a time" approach worked. Don’t worry about next weeks program until you’ve finished this one! I was already committed to eliminating the booze, coffee, diary and smoke and the first week passed relatively easily. The daily tea consumption kept me occupied.

The next week I knew would be a challenge as I was skiing with family and friends. I had no lack of energy even though I was skiing 6+ hours a day on cups of tea and a bowl of soup. The evenings broth was mentally ok, even as I watched my family and friends indulge in the mountain foods!

Week three I only found out we were going to liquid fast at the end of week two. Mentally I was ready for this and that week glided past with myself feeling better and better. My senses were heightened, sleep got better, my skin was clean and the sense of hunger was minimal and passed quickly when encountered.

In 35 years I hadn't had a change in weight - in 3 weeks I dropped 6 kilos and felt great. I became aware of my ingrained and unhelpful eating habits and being aware meant I could work on resolving these.

When Double Detox came around once again it worked into a "window of opportunity", and I had felt so good after the first detox that I was keen to do another Detox with Erika and Mish. I liked the daily meditation calls and weekly calls to be informed on the psychological and physiological aspects of detoxing. It was "me" time again and if I needed to ignore a few social occasions then so be it!

Once again, the gentle slowdown of consumption and the replacement of nutrition with more beneficial foods had the same effect. The second detox reinforced the lessons of the first. I’m now convinced I´ll make this a biannual event. While I´m still not a saint in my habits, I´m much better than when I started! I’ve lost 10 kilos this year and it's very nice to have people come up and say you look really good and actually mean it!




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