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9 Top Tips to Dealing with these Intense Energies

Jun 09, 2023


Is everything feeling a lot for your right now? Does it feel like life is super intense for you? Maybe you´ve been a little under the weather lately?

My experience of the month of May was pretty insane in terms of energies. This month we have the solstice coming on the 21st of June and by all accounts it seems like the energies are not going to slow down.

What do I mean when I say that the energies are intense? Well, these are some of the symptoms I personally experience when I say the energies are intense. Head pressure, brain fog, confusion, time dissolves not operating like it used to, missing blocks of time, thick air around me, extreme fatigue, like life is a bit of a dream, racing heart, runny tummy, extreme bliss, extreme happiness, extreme joy, heart space expanding, body buzzing and many more. 

I share this at the risk of sounding crazy! But I also share this so that if you are reading this right now and are wondering what on earth (quite literally) is happening to you then this post might be helpful. 

Right now the planet is receiving high bursts of energy coming from the sun. How do we know this is true? We can use NASA tools such as checking the KP Index and Solar Flare activity to see what´s happening with the sun. We can also keep track of the Schumann's Renaissance Chart to keep tabs on the frequency of the earth. 

What does this mean for us on earth? Without going into the details of what those charts mean, essentially we can think of it like this. Loads of light is coming in from the sun. This affects the magnetic field, including gravity, on earth. And because we are walking the plains of this beautiful planet, it impacts us and we feel it in our bodies. 

So why is this relevant? Because here´s what happens when loads of light comes onto the planet. It essentially illuminates everything. Think of it like a big torch being shone on the planet and in turn ourselves. When light illuminates things, it creates change and the heat expands the object that it´s shining upon. This is when some symptoms can occur in your body. 

Personally, over the last week or so I´ve been experiencing quite a few. So the next question becomes how to move through this? It can feel quite overwhelming and confusing so I wanted to share some tools that I myself use. 

  1. Breathe - When things are getting intense it's always helpful to breathe. Taking 6 deep breaths down to the belly is proven to calm the nervous system, taking you back to parasympathetic state and reducing the cortisol that gets released into the body and out of the reactive mode. It´s free.
    It´s simple. Do it. 

  2. Meditate - Being alone and in silence for a period of time throughout the day is critical. For me it's part of my daily practice and absolutely necessary. If I don´t it feels more tumultuous throughout the day. I also use this time to receive messages so that can be really helpful too. 

  3. Ground - Part of my meditation practice is that I visualize myself plugging into the earth. It´s called grounding. This is a HUGE energetic stabilizer and uber helpful. You can also walk barefoot and connect directly to the earth to help release the energy that is in your field. 

  4. Move - When you don't move your body the energy gets stuck. When energy gets stuck it causes pain, disease or things like anxiety & depression. Even if you can't be bothered to do some sort of exercise, at the very least going for a walk (in nature even better) will help you process these energies. Dancing is also a great alternative to physical exercise. The music will also help you shift perspective if that's what's required so don't be shy to shake that booty. 

  5. Listen to  your body - Your body is beyond intelligent and it gives you very helpful signals. LISTEN to these. If you are tired, then rest. Even if that means saying no to things. I guarantee that you will thank me when you listen, take that nap and allow yourself to recover. The light coming onto the planet is intense, creating space can be a game changer.

  6. Lots of water - Water is life and a super power tool in helping clear the more dense energies in your body. It will also help process the light that is coming into your body so you should be aiming for at least 2L a day. If you're in summer then it should be a little more. Be very sure to make sure that your water is filtered and for an added boost, you can charge your water with your intention and the storage containers you use. I actually cover this in depth in our Double Detox programme where I show you how to test your water and treat it so it helps you even more. 

  7. Eat clean - Do your best to avoid processed foods that are unnatural. I know this might sound like
    it´s so obvious but check yourself. How much of what you are eating is processed and how much is natural. If it´s not in balance, do the work to get it balanced.
  8. No judgment - This is a crazy ass time. Be kind to yourself and take care. This time period can feel like you´re going crazy. You´re not. You´re just processing. So take it easy, let any judgement go by using the tools above and just trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be right now. All is well. 

  9. Get support if you need - If you are not doing some sort of personal growth or reflection on yourself then now is the time to start doing the work, as we say. Things will be triggering you right now as the more dense energies are surfacing due to this big ass torch shining the light and showing us what old things we need to let go of. Work with someone to help you see your blind spots (I am available if you feel called to work with me) or at the very least have some friends in your life that you can have deep meaningful conversations with right now. Allow that energy to be moved otherwise you will feel like you´re going crazy.  

Everyone on the planet is experiencing this so you are not alone. And using the tools I listed above should help you groove through it.

If you feel like you could do with some support then feel free to contact me directly to arrange a clearing session. It´s not an option to leave emotions unprocessed anymore and if you do, it's only gonna get more tricky to deal with in the future.  

I hope this was useful in some way and feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions. Sending so many good vibes. 

Mish x




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