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3 Golden Rules When Buying Food

Jul 27, 2023


If there is one question I get asked the most, not just by run of the mill consumers but by chefs asking my advice too, is this, "What´s the best way to buy your food?". The reason why this is so important is because it makes such a big impact when you make these small changes to your buying habits. 

In this video, shot during Soul Consciousness Retreat – Avatara, I shared with the guests the 3 Golden Rules to follow when buying food. 

These are:

1 - Buy local
2 - Buy seasonal
3 - Build a net

Buying local is a pretty obvious one but it´s more important that folks realise. Not only are you supporting your local growers, but the local food holds water from the local land. On an energetic level it´s important to stay in alignment with the land you are living on and the food you eat can be a direct product of that. If you´re eating a banana from Costa Rica you´ll have those energy codes local to that land ingested into you when you eat that banana. Why is this important? Well, think about it in terms of coherency. Ideally you want to be as coherent with the environment you´re living in. I go deeper into why in the video.

Buying seasonal is also obvious but in the video I go into what seasonal actually means. It´s not what you think. 

And finally building a net with the local growers is also critical. That means forming relationships with folks in your community, which easily allows you to meet the first 2 rules. 

Check out the video and let me know what you think. 

In love and light, 




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